Reading and plotting Ascii files
SmartChart can practically read any ASCII file. But it is necessary to tell the program in which format the ASCII files are. You can specify the format in the "Options->Ascii File Format Settings" dialog. Here is an example how to define the ASCII format correctly:
Let us assume that there is an ASCII file called "Microsoft.txt". The file contains following records:
To display this file correctly you have to make following settings in the "ASCII File Format Settings" dialog:
The file "Microsoft.txt" has the extension "txt". Therefore you have to enter "txt" in the file extension textbox. Furthermore, you have to select the ASCII fields "Date", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close" and "Volume". As column delimiter you have to use ",". Finally, you have to define the date format. (YYYY/MM/DD)
In this example we have to select the option "Skip first ... records" because the file contains a file header. (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) If your ASCII file does not contain such a header you do not have to select this option.